Child Support
The primary purpose of the Jefferson County CSEA is to ensure that children receive the financial support due to them from the non-custodial parent in families where the parents of the child do not reside together.
The County Department of Job and Family Services has the responsibility to operate the local Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) and provide child support services to the public.
Common Child Support Links
Parents and guardians can receive services from their local Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) to help:
- Open a child support case
- Locate the other parent
- Establish parentage
- Establish a support order
- Set up payment
- Enforce the support order
- Review the order
Services CSEA Does Not Provide:
- Help with a divorce
- Determine custody of the children
- Determine spousal support or alimony
- Negotiate visitation rights
- Address contested visitation issues
Who Can Request Child Support Services?
Anyone may request child support services.
To make a request, complete an Application for Child Support Services and submit it to your local Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA).
If you receive services or payments from Ohio Works First (OWF), Foster Care, or Medicaid, you may already be registered with the CSEA.
Simply contact your local CSEA and tell them you want child support services.
You can call our office at 740-282-0961 for assistance.
How to Apply for Child Support Services
Step 1: Stop and Check
If you receive services or payments from Ohio Works First (OWF), Foster Care, or Medicaid, you may already be registered with the CSEA. Contact your local CSEA to check registration status. If you do not already receive services, go to step 2.
Step 2: Fill out the application
- Fill out an Application for Child Support Services and return the form to your county CSEA by mail or in person.
- The CSEA will work with you to take any steps necessary to get your account set up including finding the other parent, establishing paternity, and creating the order.
- After an order is entered in the system, the CSEA can then work with you to help pay or receive support and will provide access for you to manage your account online.
In most situations, you should hear from the CSEA within 20 days. Once an application, court order, or referral has been received, the CSEA can begin providing services.
Paying/Receiving Support
All child support payments in each state are required to be paid through one centralized location. In Ohio, this is referred to as Child Support Payment Central (CSPC) and is responsible for the collection and disbursement of all Ohio child support payments.
Paying Support:
There are many options to make support payments at no cost. Simply visit and choose your preferred method including:
- Paying through bank account
- Credit/debit card payments
- Mobile wallet services such as PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay and Google Pay
- Payments by phone
- Payments by mail
- Cash payments at participating CSEA’s.
A helpful video on options for making payments can be found at: Easy Child Support Payment Options
Receiving Support:
If you are receiving support in Ohio, it is mandatory that payments are sent to you electronically. This provides a faster, simpler, safer way to receive your support payments. Simply visit and choose your preferred method including either:
- Direct deposit
- Debit card
The CSEA must follow state and federal regulations and laws with regard to services provided. One example of this is in actions to establish or modify child support orders, the CSEA is required to use the Ohio Child Support Guidelines formula when determining the amount of the obligation. The court may accept the guideline calculation or it may choose to deviate from the guideline amount. The CSEA, however, may only make a recommendation based on the formula.