Engagement Policy

Jefferson County Department of Job & Family Services
McCollough Children’s Home Children Residential Center

McCollough Children’s Home is an unsecured children’s residential facility.

240 John Scott Highway
Steubenville, OH  43952 
Phone: 740-264-5307
Email: patty.janjua@jfs.ohio.gov

When McCollough Children’s Home receives a call from someone in the community expressing concerns or other pertinent information, the staff member is to refer the call to the McCollough Children’s Home Supervisor or follow the protocol in section A and B below in the supervisor’s absence.  

A copy of McCollough Children’s Home Community Engagement Plan which includes the residential facilities Emergency Disaster Plan and Emergency Medical Plan shall be provided upon request.

Contact Information

Patty Janjua
Youth Leader II, Supervisor
240 John Scott Highway
Steubenville, OH  43952
Email: patty.janjua@jfs.ohio.gov
Phone: 740-264-5307 or 740-264-2600

Glenda Jones
Program Administrator
125 S. 5th St.
Steubenville, OH  43952
Email: glenda.jones@jfs.ohio.gov
Phone: 740-282-0961

Michele Santin
125 S. 5th St.
Steubenville, OH  43952
Email: michele.santin@jfs.ohio.gov
Phone: 740-282-0961


The following information is to be documented on the “While You Were Away” notepad and placed under supervisor’s door with the staff signature.

A.) Obtain and document the following:

  1. Date and Time
  2. Name of the caller
  3. Address of the caller
  4. Telephone number (day/evening/cell)
  5. Nature of the call

The caller is to be informed that within 5 business days a return contact and/or response will be provided in writing.

B.)       This information is then to be provided to the supervisor of MCH.  If the supervisor is unavailable for more than 2 days (i.e. vacation, sick leave, etc.) the information will then be given to the program administrator.  In the event the program administrator will not be available for more than 2 days (i.e. vacation, sick leave, etc.) then the information is to be provided to the director of the agency.